GeOME Analytics | DNA is our core expertise; from health to wells!

The answer is in the DNA

… revamping of Oil & Gas production & planning

GeOME Analytics use subsurface microbial DNA to identify a subsea/subsurface oil & gas well’s production zones, areas, or a well’s mixing.

About Geome Analytics

We accurately depict an oil & gas well’s production zones, by depth and %, as well as optimizing all current and future well operations. Our introduction to the oil and gas industry may be in the infant stages, but our field proven solutions stems from decades of technology advancements within cancer research, culminating in our large contribution into the Human Genome Project that has helped open up technology developments beyond our imagination.
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Preethi Gunaratne


Her participation as the lead for microRNAs in the The Human Genome Project she has been part of laying the groundwork for determining the role of the microRNAs in cancer, schizophrenia, asthma, COPD/emphysema, and now using this towards oil and gas.

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Thor Lovland


Combining his business, legal and engineering background and experience, he has an extensive knowledge of advancing complex technologies in the oil and gas industry, including founding and growing successful start ups.

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Gemunu Gunaratne


He is a Professor of Physics and the former Chairman of Physics Department at the University of Houston, and his research expertise include Non-linear Physics, Genetic Networks and their Control and development of Data Analytic techniques.

Jim Briggs


His focus in the highly interdisciplinary and collaborative area of computational chemistry/biochemistry, he develops and applies computational methods to problems of chemical and biochemical interest.

3 Yrs

Why oil & gas?

GeOME’s introduction to the oil & gas industry is not by chance. Based out of Houston, the global Energy capital, we have been approached by oil & gas operators to advance our technology within the industry. We have spent 3 years qualifying, validating and tailoring our techonlogy specifically to the unconventionals and subsea applications.

15 Yrs & $3Bn

How we actually got here?

GeOME’s is instituted out of decades of research work in the human body and specifically cancer cells. This work led to participation in the one of science most recent significant achievement, sequencing the entire genetic structure of the human body, in the Human Genome Project.The oil & gas industry will now reap these benefits.


The difference?

There may have been other attempts of using DNA within the oil & gas industry. Our decades of scientific work within cancer research and The Human Genome Project has generated a complex, proprietary analytic model, combined with a microbial database that is 10x larger than any other publicly known dataset. This combination is what makes our results unique.

Services We Offer

Currently, our primary focus is the subsea and subsurface oil and gas market. Within these markets we offer a comprehensive, unique service of data collection and visualization. Through our DNA sampling and analysis process, we are able to provide a detailed overview of the entire production for each subsurface layer.

Our in-house expertise provides you with a complete service. Subject to scope of work, first step may be the sampling, ensuring quality through to shipment to our laboratory, followed by DNA extraction, DNA sequencing and all the way through to our unique data analysis and data representation.

With our unique DNA analysis we are able to detail out how the stratigraphy correlates with oil and gas production. By sequencing and analysing subsurfarce microbial DNA, we identify distinct biomarkers giving us the ability to customize any subsurface resolution beyond the current stratigraphic layers.
Oil & Gas
Through decades of working within the human body, identifying cancer cells and their mutation and migration in the human body, we have applied a similar methodology in a less complex environment, subsurface. Our service includes a.o, well/field/pad production, specific % production by well/field/pad and/or any unplanned mixing.
Considering the capabilities using our proprietary method of identifying DNA biomarkers, our services may be numerous. We are however able to deliver an all encompassing service where we monitor all of your production assets, providing you with a complete analysis and report.


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Our Laboratory

At GeOME we have some unique strenths and advantages in our technology and offerings. We mainatin the same level of excellence in our facilities. At our laboratory, we make sure that we have the most optimized equipment in place. Our equipment, and personnel, are always amongst the leading of what is available in the market. Whether it is hardware or talent pool, will try to lead the way.

Let us remove the guesswork!

By using our field proven DNA analytical model, we can accurately depict subsurface stratigraphy, mapped to detailed production allocations, through the use of biological biomarkers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your services different than what I would potentially get using any other DNA sequencing laboratory?
In general, our technology is based upon decades of work with cancer research. Our experience in working with clinical trials and similar highly complex and data sensitive processes have resulted in our Quality Check (“QC”) becoming significantly robust. With the DNA sequence process more standardized across the industry, we at GeOME have partner laboratory’s globally which may carry out the DNA sequence. The difference is occurs  once the sequenced data arrives. Our algorithm and model developed over  decades is able to detect microbial significance and insignificance, defining which unique signatures are present at any given subsurface location. This work has generated a highly unique database of microbial DNA which is 10x larger than any known public database. Combining this, GeOME is then able to use its advanced analytical model, identifying “novel” microbes, as well as microbes that are not present, in mapping the microbes to its biomarkers, or fingerprints.
How does your process work?
We believe this saying holds true in our industry also, “no one job is ever the same”. In general, the process of sampling and verification may differ although after we have a better understanding of the scope of work, the in-house process remains similar. We support you in making sure the data collection on-site is executed unspoiled, whether subsea or subsurface. Once the samples are collected, we ensure they are shipped from its origin to our laboratory, or a nearby partner’s laboratory. At the laboratory, the samples undergo an extensive QC check, followed by the natural processes of DNA sequencing, with extraction, library preparation and sequencing. Once the DNA sequencing is completed, it will reach our data analysis. This is where we apply our unique algorithm and data modelling, providing you with a biostratigraphy view of the producing assets. Dependent on the scope of work, you will be receiving a graphical description of and presentation of the results fully analyzed.
How long does it take to get the results of sampling a well?
From when we receive the data for DNA sequencing at our laboratory, or a partner’s laboratory, we have a standard turnaround time of 2 weeks where we have complete the entire DNA sequencing process, and fully analyzed the data. Depending on the scope of work, this timing may be modified.


Do you have a minimum or maximum number of samples you can process at any one given time?
We don’t have a minimum or maximum limitation due to capacity. We have the most advanced sequencing hardware and laboratory equipment, as well as resources to manage it. However, to ensure the cost / benefit is managed, we have a 60 sample minimum to run our process with the standard turnaround time. For samples less than 60 at any time, the timing and pricing may be subject to change.
How much does it cost to sample and predict one or more well’s production areas?
Our solution is very cost-efficient, and we predict our technology and what it offers you the customer, is the most economical solution available. Considering the savings we have generated, in understanding customer’s produced areas, as well as optimizing well spacing, our services are very economical. We have several price models and structures depending on your needs. We may price per samples collected and analyzed, or we can price lump sum for an entire field / pad. We even have a subscription model where we will collect production fluids on a regular basis and provide you with the analyzed result of the well(s) behavior, compared over time.